Wednesday 7 March 2012

Fucking fuck!

Right, so you know when like a dumb bitch you think you've escaped the pain? 
I downed 3 litres of water pooed loads without any pain, though Everything was gonna be all right, LOL!
After a couple of hours I got up, started pooing again... cue agony.
Then, like a dumb bitch, I purged the water I'd drank so I'd poo less and a load of stomach acid, then went to bed.
Couple of hours later more cramps and poo, I dizzily drag myself downstairs for my flavoured water, then come back  to the toilet and drink a load of it and disembowel myself into the toilet a bit more.
I finally got to bed at like six in the morning but had really weird dreams cause of the dehydration.
But, that's not even the worst bit.
I gained fucking weight!

How fucking dignified.

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