Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Oct 26 2010

Right, I'm back on track now, on my old plan as follows 500 calorie limit per day, 800 ABSOLUTE maximum if I'm mega hungry, AT LEAST an hours excercise a day,(if I don't start moving more I'm afraid I might end up regressing into my fetal form) try to avoid purging if I can and absolutely NO BINGING. Well today I've weighed myself about a million times(okay maybe five) which leads me to the conclusion that scales are utterly useless, I need some good ones. I've eaten an apple, a banana and tuna and onion salad, looks like I'm back on form, I've watched Phineas and Ferb all day,(no exaggeration) god I love that show and have also been lusting after after clothes I can't afford via the internet, tonight my plan is to dye my hair and have a midnight jog(so no one sees me) so that's pretty much a day in my uneventful life.


  1. Hahha! I always watch Phineas and Ferb when I'm babysitting. I suspect if I had a TV I'd watch it alone though too :) Good luck with your plan! <3 Jade

  2. Oh I watch it with my little brother so he's my cover story lol and thanks :)

  3. I'm here to help stop binges! :D

    Sounds like a great plan you've got there. ^^

  4. Thank you Schuldig, I can always rely on you to cheer me up and keep me on track :)

  5. nice plan <3
    you'll do great hun, just KEEP FOCUSED.

    stay strong, think thin <3

  6. I go jogging at night so no one sees me too XD
